Increasingly, new weight loss methods are gaining popularity among people who want to lose weight. This article will examine in detail the Japanese diet, its essence, rules, menus, reviews, and much more.
The essence of diet
The Japanese diet is one of the most popular weight loss methods today. The essence of its action lies in the fact that the food it contains is low in calories, that is, proteins, fats and carbohydrates enter the body in insufficient quantities, which is why rapid weight loss occurs. To achieve the maximum effect on weight loss in this way, you must strictly follow the menu.
The benefits of this weight loss method include:
- Ability to lose a lot of weight in a fairly short time.
- The diet contains a variety of foods that can be satiated, in contrast to rigid mono-diets (rice, buckwheat).
- Thanks to the reorganization of the metabolism in the body and the correct exit from the diet, the kilos that have been lost do not return.
- Since the menu is rich in vegetables, juices and fruits, the intestines are cleaned of toxins and the work of the stomach improves.
- Green tea included in the diet improves mood, adds strength, and works as an antioxidant.
- It is allowed to cook food in different ways: boil, bake and even fry, so it is not very difficult to follow.
- Taste preferences change, wellness improves, and overall performance increases.
- There are no complicated dishes on the menu, so you don't need any special cooking knowledge.
Disadvantages include:
- Drinking coffee frequently can lead to bloating and heartburn.
- If the start is incorrect, the lost weight can quickly return.
- Such a diet can exacerbate certain diseases and worsen health.
- Lack of carbohydrates and vitamins can lead to exhaustion of the body.
Diet rules
Forbidden foods include:
- Alcohol.
- Fatty meat.
- Sugar and sweets.
- Flour products.
- Pasta.
- Salt.
- Smoked food.
- Flour products.
- Potatoes.
- Salo.
- Mayonnaise and other sauces.

Food to eat:
- Eggs.
- Poultry and fish.
- Vegetables and fruits.
- Seafood.
- Cottage cheese and cheese.
- Coffee and green tea.
- Greens.
- Rye cookies.
- Homemade fruit and vegetable juices.
In addition, this weight loss system assumes compliance with the following nutritional rules:
- It is necessary to strictly follow the menu and not change the sequence of days.
- Do not add other foods to the diet.
- Drink at least 1. 5 liters of green tea a day without sugar or water.
- This food cannot be used more than once a year.
- Meat and fish can be steamed, boiled or grilled with a little oil.
- It is recommended to take vitamin complexes during the diet.
- Coffee should be made naturally, not powdered.
- Vegetables and fruits can be eaten whole or in salads.
- Salads can be flavored with olive oil.
There are three types of this diet, each with its own characteristics:
- Diet for seven days.Its characteristics are the following:
- A complete rejection of salt.
- Eat only sea fish, vegetables, juices, eggs and meat. During this time, you can lose weight up to seven kilograms.
- Losing weight in thirteen daysprovides the following nutritional characteristics:
- Seafood is added to the diet.
- The rest of the menu remains unchanged. This type of technique plays a more psychological role, as it lasts one day less than a two-week diet, and one day can mean a lot to a person losing weight.
- Losing weight in fourteen daysis twice as much as a seven-day course of weight loss this way. It is used when a person wants to continue losing weight and has the desire and strength to do so. In terms of nutrition, it remains practically the same, except that the menu can be expanded with new vegetables or fruits.
The menu for this meal for fourteen days looks like this:
1. First week

- Monday:
- Breakfast - coffee.
- Lunch: two boiled eggs, tomato salad.
- Dinner: boiled beef, apple juice.
- Tuesday:
- Breakfast: coffee, oatmeal.
- Lunch: vegetable stew, steamed fish.
- Dinner: cottage cheese, orange juice.
- Wednesday:
- Breakfast - coffee.
- Lunch: broccoli and tomato salad, steamed chicken.
- Dinner: apple, grapefruit.
- Thursday:
- Breakfast: green tea.
- Lunch: two boiled eggs, stewed zucchini.
- Dinner: stewed meat, tomato.
- Friday:
- Breakfast: boiled egg, coffee.
- Lunch: steamed fish, carrot juice.
- Dinner: seafood, apple.
- Saturday:
- Breakfast: green tea.
- Lunch: beef stew with vegetables, tea.
- Dinner - kefir.
- Sunday:
- Breakfast - coffee.
- Lunch: carrot and beet salad, boiled fish.
- Dinner: kefir, apple.
2. Week 2
- Monday:
- Breakfast: a hard-boiled egg, coffee.
- Lunch - hard sur, apple.
- Dinner: fried fish, vegetable stew.
- Tuesday:
- Breakfast - tea.
- Lunch: baked eggplant, fish cakes, tea.
- Dinner: boiled chicken fillet, coleslaw.
- Wednesday:
- Breakfast - coffee.
- Lunch: baked turkey, zucchini stew.
- Dinner: apple, orange.
- Thursday:
- Breakfast - tea.
- Lunch: boiled beef, cucumber and tomato salad.
- Dinner: pear, pineapple.
- Friday:
- Breakfast: coffee, diet cookies.
- Lunch - fruits.
- Dinner: Herbed broccoli salad, baked fish.
- Saturday:
- Breakfast - coffee.
- Lunch: two hard-boiled eggs, tomato stream.
- Dinner: baked fish, tomato.
- Sunday:
- Breakfast - tea.
- Lunch: boiled beet salad, carrot juice.
- Dinner: kefir, boiled chicken.

Stop the diet
In order for the lost pounds not to return, you need to get off the diet correctly.
To do this, follow these rules:
- After completing the diet, do not overeat, eat frequently, in small portions.
- The best breakfast is porridge.
- In the first week after completing the diet, you should also often eat boiled meat and vegetables. Even in the future, it is recommended to follow a similar diet.
- Sweetness must be limited.
- Salty foods should also be eaten very carefully and in small amounts.

Reviews of people losing weight
To better understand the effect this diet brings, consider reviews from people who have already tried it on themselves:
- Revision no. 1. “I have already sat on this diet four times and each time I have lost five kilograms. I mean that the menu is simple, all the products are natural and healthy (except coffee). It is also advisable to drink vitamins during such a meal. Otherwise, very quickly, the hair will become dull and the nails will become brittle due to lack of them. "
- Review # 2. “When I first tried the Japanese weight loss system, I was surprised, because with its help I lost seven and a half kilograms in just one week. So I decided to extend the course and in another seven days I lost five kilograms. For me personally, it was a success. Now to the downsides: I wanted to eat all the time, and after such a diet my metabolism jumped. "
- Revision no. 3. “A week ago, I completed a weight loss course designed for fourteen days. My result during this time is minus six kilograms. The hardest thing for me was the first days of such a diet and a total rejection of salt and sweets. All the food seemed tasteless and tasteless, but then I really started to better distinguish the flavor of each product and even liked it. To taste the salt, I added lemon juice to salads and it helped. Also, there is meat and fish on the menu, so I wasn't very hungry. So far, not a single kilo has returned, so I'm very happy! "
- Review # 4. “I ate according to the Japanese diet for a week and was very disappointed because I lost only two kilograms out of the promised six. In addition, this diet is not balanced and insufficient for the normal functioning of the body. Also, I don't think drinking coffee every day on an empty stomach doesn't hurt the stomach. For me personally, this is a very dubious technique, so I don't think I will repeat it again. "
- Revision no. 5. “I've tried a lot of different diets already, and the last one was Japanese. I sat for two weeks and even followed all the nutritional rules. In the beginning, it was unusual to eat everything without salt, as I love salty foods, but still beauty is more important to me. Little by little I got used to it and didn't even notice that the food was not too salty. As for the menu, it is quite tasty, because it contains fruits, vegetables, fish and much more. The only drawback I found in such a diet is the loss of vitamins and the lack of glucose, which sometimes made me dizzy. In general, during this time I have lost six kilograms and that is enough for me. "
After analyzing the reviews, we can say that in most cases the Japanese diet is effective and helps to lose weight. However, due to a somewhat unbalanced diet, which is also lacking in spices, sugar and salt, it can be difficult to maintain it.
Opinions of doctors
Nutritionists argue that despite positive reviews, the Japanese diet, like any restrictive nutritional system, disrupts metabolism and puts stress on the body. Also, doctors recommend giving up the daily use of coffee for breakfast, as this leads to heart and stomach diseases.
People who already have health problems should take special care when following this method to lose weight, as such a diet can significantly worsen a person's condition. Also, nutritionists do not recommend repeating the Japanese diet more than once a year, otherwise you can seriously reduce your diet, which will only aggravate the weight loss process.
However, if a person is healthy and does not have any special contraindications, which will be described below, he can adhere to this regimen. The main thing is to follow the rules of the diet and not to reduce the portions in the hope that this will speed up the weight loss process. If during the diet you feel bad, your mood deteriorates or you lose strength, it is advisable to interrupt this technique and switch to a regular balanced diet.
Contraindications for use
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- Under the age of eighteen.
- Heart, liver and kidney disease.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal organs, their exacerbation.
- Chronic diseases.
- Gastritis.
- Hypertension.
- Diabetes mellitus.
Blitz Tips
- You should consult your dietitian before starting this diet.
- This diet cannot be followed for more than two weeks, otherwise the metabolism may be seriously impaired.
- If dizziness or abdominal pain occurs during this meal, stop the diet immediately.